Koinonia of Columbia Board of Directors

We confirmed in our 501c(3) application that no Board of Director or Officer would receive any compensation for services or time devoted to Koinonia of Columbia, Inc.

Mr. Richard Hammond is the Board Chair of Koinonia of Columbia. Richard is a believer in Christ whodaily recites these words: “Faith without works is dead. We can do better. We must do better. We willdo better for our communities!” Richard is married to his biggest supporter, Patricia Hammond for 25years. They have 3 beautiful children, 1 son and 2 daughters and 3 beautiful grandchildren. They arelong-time residents of the North Columbia area where Richard has served as the Belmont CommunityPresident for 14 years. Richard is a passionate advocate and voice for our underserved communities.

Ms. Charlotte Brown is the proud mother of 2 children, 7 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. Charlette has been in Property Management for over 40 years and is currently the Property Manager at Gable Oaks Apartments. Active as an elder at Bible Way Church on Atlas Road, Charlette is also a strong community advocate for 29203. She is a graduate of C.A. Johnson High and Benedict College.

Ms Tyesha Cooper is originally from New York but has lived in South Carolina for many years. Tyesha’s background is in Case management and education. She has been a member of Eau Claire Baptist Church for 20 years and a Board member of Koinonia since 2017. Her hobbies are going to museums, educational workshops, visiting zoos, and traveling.

Dr. Richard Moore is a retired educator and a member of the Board of School Commissioners for Richland District 1. He is actively involved in the Koinonia afterschool as the Godly Play instructor and volunteer. Richard is married to the former Carolyn Beasley, and together they have four sons, three “daughters-in-love”, and eight beautiful grandchildren all of whom have attended or are attending, Richland One schools. He is a member at Eau Claire Baptist Church (ECBC) where he works with children, youth and young adults and serves as a deacon and as church clerk.

Mrs. Whitnee Spry is the wife of Maurice Spry and mother of 6 amazing children (5 boys and 1 girl). Together they share in the passion of serving God and out of His gifts they own a family catering business by the name of Spry’s Durty Kitchen. When she is not in the kitchen, she is working in her non-profit clothing ministry, Dolly’s House Clothing Ministry located inside of her church, ECBC, or writing devotional blogs at www.inspirationallaroundme.org and maintains full-time employment with the SC Department of Juvenile Justice as the Backgrounds Coordinator for the agency for 14 years+. Whitnee’ enjoys working with the youth at ECBC (Children’s Church, Nursery) and loves preparing meals for all who are hungry to come, eat, and have a seat at the table.

Rev. Kelly Strum and her husband, Dave Strum are the proud parents of 2 beautiful children and the Co-Founders of Koinonia of Columbia. Kelly is the Executive Director of Koinonia and former Co-Pastor of ECBC. She is an MDiv graduate of Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary and was formerly a School Counselor for 7 years in Lexington District 1.

Ms. Shelia Washington is a retired employee of Richland School District One. Shelia is devoted to community service, splitting her time between several different arenas and making sure to give to all during the year.  She is committed to the well-being of the community.  Shelia is a member of Hickory Hill Baptist Church.

Ms. Demica Weston is the wife of former Co-Director of Koinonia’s Freedom School and mother of current Director of Programs, Ms. D’Asia Weston. Demica is the Social Services Director at Life Care Center of Columbia. She is a member of Gill Creek Baptist Church where she is chair of Women’s Ministry and enjoys volunteering and serving the LORD in all capacities.

Koinonia Director of Programs

Ms. D’Asia Weston is a 2024 graduate of Benedict College, holding a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology with a minor in Criminal Justice Administration. She began her journey with Koinonia of Columbia as a volunteer in November 2022, and over time, has built strong, meaningful relationships with the scholars, their families, and community leaders in the 29203 area. D’Asia works diligently to ensure Koinonia is a space where children can learn to love themselves and others unconditionally, just as God loves us. A native of Columbia, South Carolina, D’Asia is passionate about creating a positive environment for youth, empowering them to understand that their current situation does not define their future. She helps them identify and connect with opportunities that help them thrive through life instead of just surviving through it. When asked about her career goals, D’Asia says she’s doing exactly what she’s always dreamed of, believing she was born to do this important work. Her philosophy is simple: “Children should know that no matter their past or background, they are destined for true greatness.”

About Koinonia of Columbia


Kelly and I have each been very blessed in our family life with great examples of loving parents, safe environments to learn and grow, and a foundation of Christian faith.  We have grown to appreciate the gift of eternal life through Christ.  This gift is learned, then cherished in many different ways, but in the end, our understanding, respect and love is what drives what we do every day.  For many years, Kelly has watched and admired the mission in North Charleston, Metanoia.  Kelly has introduced me to this Community Development Corporation (CDC).  It resonates deeply with our personal family goals and its witness has influenced the birthing of Koinonia of Columbia.

Our personal journey is firmly based in faith, love and hope.  Kelly and I have a deep faith in the order and magnificence of God’s creation.  We also firmly believe that God has gifted each and every person with a part of God’s love that will live eternally.  The fallen humanity here on Earth is very hard, sometimes humanly impossible, to reconcile with Heavenly love.  Kelly and I believe that we are here to “learn.”  Learning to appreciate the gift of eternal life that is offered to each soul.  Learning how to get along with and depend on one another - from our family to our community, extended to races, cultures, etc.

Our family is a trans-racial family.  We have chosen to adopt our children from a very young birth-mother, whose enormous gift for our children was the love and respect of their lives, and the search for a safe, happy home full of love for them.  We thought, prayed and were led by God to this trans-racial family.  We are certainly aware of standing out in a crowd, being watched and most importantly being encouraged by nine out of ten people that we meet.   The encouragement and joy we receive from so many loving, caring people are clear evidence for the hunger and thirst for racial reconciliation in our communities.

It is this respect for the lives we encounter that we wish to partner with God and others to promote safe, joyful, learning environments for children, youth and adults in our community.

In all that we do, our personal goals are to help build a strong, loving community that will grow in spirit and economy by learning how to get along with one another.  Through this respect of one another, it is our goal to get beyond merely getting along with each other, but to thrive together.  Regardless of background, gender, race, culture, heritage, we are all created equal in the eyes of God.  That equality is measured in Love.

We are profoundly aware and grateful that God has allowed our paths to cross with many over the years who share this same vision of our God’s, believing in the transformative power of active love within communities, including Kelly’s ordaining church, Eau Claire Baptist.  Founded in 1921, God has called ECBC to be a Lighthouse in the neighborhood of Eau Claire for 96 years now and she has served her neighbors so compassionately.  In October 2016, the church sponsored the establishment of a Mothers’ Support Group that meets weekly and is open to mothers throughout Eau Claire as well as the church.  Out of this effort and ECBC’s lifelong intentional vision to love her neighbors grew the church’s partnership with Koinonia of Columbia, Inc.   

Anchored deep like the tree at the riverside…

Flying in formation together…

so that all may know community = koinonia

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