See the Difference Your Gift Makes
We would like to share a wonderful opportunity to support the programs of Koinonia and make a positive difference in the Eau Claire Community!
Public Message From an Anonymous Matching Donor:
“I am willing to match any gifts from ‘new donors’ to Koinonia of Columbia of $100 or more during the years 2023, 2024, and 2025 up to a total of $5,000 per year.
I look at what Koinonia is doing and I think, ‘well done, good and faithful servants.’ What do you see and think about Koinonia’s values and efforts? We will know them by their love (and hard work). If you cannot support with $100 or more, could you explore how else you might contribute? What can you do? Who can you tell?”
-Anonymous Donor
Learn more and share your gift here.

Koinonia Justice Academy Community Festival
Join us June 3 as we kick off our Koinonia Justice Academy and take our stand against gun violence with communities across America!!!

Koinonia Freedom School Kickoff
Learn about the Koinonia Freedom School Hip-Hop Kickoff, featuring Da Fishermen with United Kingdom, here.
Earth Day Planting the Community Garden Beds
Each year we plant the summer garden beds on or around Earth Day. Plan to join us at the Koinonia Community Garden on Saturday, April 23 starting at 10 am. We will be finished by 1 pm.
It is a fun, outdoor event that will produce a big harvest of fresh, organic, vegetables for our Koinonia and Community neighbors.

CIU Day of Service
We are excited to plan a great day of community work and volunteer service together with CIU.
There will be two separate teams working with Koinonia on Tuesday, April 5, 2022 starting at 9 am.
One team will be preparing the Koinonia Community Garden Beds for planting on around Earth Day.
The second team will be working to improve and beautify the Koinonia House landscaping and back lot at 1235 Johnson Avenue.
Black History Parade
Join with the Koinonia Freedom School team in joining the 17th annual Black History Parade in downtown Columbia.
USC Women's Basketball Game
Sign up to join the Koinonia Kids at the final home game for the USC Women’s #1 ranked team!
Koinonia kids "Back to School" Bash
Welcome for a day of fun!!
Grilled burgers and hot dogs, games and school supplies to be provided.
Summer Enrichment Program
Serving rising 1st through 5th graders with full day (8 am to 5 pm) summer enrichment program activities.
Priority will be given to prior year program attendees and children living in the Eau Claire Community (29203 zip code).

Classroom floor workday
Our partner church, Eau Claire Baptist Church, is opening a floor of classroom space for the 2019 Summer enrichment program and after school activities.
Hot lunch will be be provided.
Fill out to RSVP

Eau Claire Community Leaders' Meeting
Our next Eau Claire Community Leaders’ Meeting will be Saturday, January 12, 2019. We will gather for continental breakfast, coffee and conversation in the Fellowship Hall of Eau Claire Baptist Church. Anyone is welcome! Spread the word!

Church Community Breakfast
Koinonia and Community Connections, a program from Palmetto Health Office of Community Health will be hosting a Church Community Breakfast to facilitate and strengthen partnerships with faith-based organizations serving the 29203 community and discuss possibilities on coordinating our efforts to more completely address immediate and long-term support of the community.

Thanksgiving Basket Project
Koinonia and Eau Claire Baptist Church are partnering with Northside Baptist Church on the Thanksgiving Basket project again this year!

Koinonia's Summer Enrichment Program!
Enrichment Activities:
Music & Art
Social / Life Skills
Computer time
Team Building
Leadership Training
Puppet Ministry
Bible Stories
Relaxation / Yoga
Where: Eau Claire Baptist Church
4427 North Main Street
Columbia, SC 29203
803-786- 7769
When: Tuesday, June 12-Friday, August 3, 2018, Daily from 9:00-5:00 (Closed July 2-6)
Who: Rising 1st through Rising 5th Grade Students (Students in K-4th in the 2017-18 School Year)
Serving Students in the Eau Claire Community
No more than 60 students – first come, first served
All students will receive Reading, Writing and Math Instruction with certified teachers and will participate in enrichment activities in Art, Music, Physical Education, Bible Study and Character Education. Lunch will be provided and limited transportation is available.
To be considered for this program, please complete this form below or download the form here and mail it to the church, ATTN: Koinonia, or email the form to redwardmoore4@gmail.com.
You will be contacted about parent meetings and/or appointments to complete application forms as space is available.
Questions/Concerns: Contact Richard Moore, Director, 803-920- 1530 or redwardmoore4@gmail.com

South Carolina Cornbread Festival
Eau Claire’s annual Cornbread Festival will be held this day. The North Columbia Business Association (NCBA) has named Koinonia as the recipient of the service project funds! These funds will go toward our summer program.
Koinonia will be selling baked goods at the festival and all proceeds will go to our summer program. If you would like to donate baked goods or volunteer at the Cornbread Festival, please contact Kelly via email or phone 803-767-5550.

Planting Koinonia's Summer Garden
Koinonia’s Summer Garden will be planted with the help of Lenoir-Rhyne and the Seminary on this Earth Day! We will have a dedication prayer for garden at 12 noon. You are invited! The children and families of our Summer Enrichment Program will be the recipients of the garden’s harvest.

CBFSC General Assembly and Covenant Signing
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of SC General Assembly at Kathwood Baptist Church. Koinonia will sign the covenant with CBF SC this day!
Painting at Eau Claire Baptist!
Volunteers needed to paint the 3rd floor of Eau Claire Baptist Church. We hope to get this space ready for this year’s Summer Enrichment Program!

Poverty 101: Understanding and Ministering to Those in Generational Poverty
The workshop will be held at Eau Claire Baptist Church (4427 Main Street). Childcare will be provided. Please RSVP to Kelly Strum by February 19 at 803-767 5550 or kelly.strum@yahoo.com.
All community and church leaders are invited to attend. Please feel free to share this information with anyone whom you think may be interested.
Mindy Jamison has more than 20 years experience working with churches, agencies and communities with a focus on generational poverty. Most recently, she was the Executive Director of the Friendship Baptist Center in Des Moines, Iowa.
This conference will bring understanding to generational poverty, while examining the culture and mindset of those impacted by generational poverty. The conference will also explore the most effective ways to minister to this community.
Register Now!

TeamJESUS Concert
Eau Claire Baptist Church in partnership with Koinonia of Columbia, Inc invites you to an afternoon of great music, fellowship, food and fun!
TeamJESUS will be performing a free concert for the community on Saturday, May 6 at 4 PM in the front parking lot of Eau Claire Baptist Church!